EQMS Consulting Limited
2nd and 3rd Floor, House - 53, Road - 4, Block - C, Banani, Dhaka -1213
EQMS Consulting Limited (EQMS), the leading-reputable and most experienced Private Sector Sustainability Consultancy Organisation in Bangladesh provides expertise services for transfer of appropriate, affordable, acceptable and no environmental damage pertaining technology to the requirement of small, medium and large industries with particular emphasis on Road/ Infrastructure Sector, Agro-Food/ Fish Sector, Chemical and Fertilizer Sector, Energy and Power Sector, Oil and Gas Exploration Sector, Cement and Paper Sector, Leather and Textile Sector, Garment, Pharmaceutical and Drug manufacturing Sector, Wastes and by products utilization Sector, Water Resource Management, Sanitation and Pollution Control Management Plan, etc.
EQMS Consulting Limited (EQMS) established in 2002, an ISO 90001:2015, 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certified company.
EQMS has the competency in conducting/ preparing EIA studies, production/ process and Total Quality Control Management Manual, Environment Management Plan and manual including wastes management, design, installation and implementation of environmental pollution control system with personnel/expert selection and training program for both on-going and new projects under aforesaid sectors. The cited expertise services of EQMS Consulting Limited (EQMS) have been acquired over a period of decade working with the requirements of public and private sector industries/agencies as well as enhancing skill through exposition of updated training needs.
The management of EQMS Consulting Limited (EQMS) offers the following services to concerned industries, public and private agencies:
Site Selection/ Scoping of project;
Environmental Quality & Social safeguard Monitoring;
Formulation of Environmental Monitoring System/Plan;
Ecological Baseline Study and Bio-diversity Conservation Management;
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies;
Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF);
Preparation of Environmental Disaster and Risk Management Plan;
Environmental Management Information System (EIMS) development;
Preparation of Environmental Guidelines;
Development of Management of Toxic and Hazardous wastes generated from various Industries;
Environmental and Social Due Diligence; Environmental and Social auditing;
Resettlement Action Plan;
Resettlement Implementation and monitoring;
Development of Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP);
Development of Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) & Grievance Redressed Mechanism (GRM);
Environmental subject matter input Training and Pilot Research Program/Project; and
Socio-economic and Institutional Studies;